Wild Garden Seeds

Red Campion


Meadow Mixture
for Hedgerows

This seed mixture contains wild flower (20% by weight) and grass species (80% by weight) able to tolerate semi-shade and is suitable for sowing beneath newly planted or established hedges and on woodland edges, rides and glades.   All of the wild flower seeds are of British native origin.  The grass seed is of British native wild origin where possible (marked with w).  The seeds should be sown at the rate of 4g per square metre.  The mix will consist of seeds from the following:

Wild Flowers:

§         Agrimony 
Agrimonia eupatoria
Wild Basil
Clinopodium vulgare
Red Campion  
Silene dioica
§         White Campion  
Silene latifolia
Common Knapweed

                    Centaurea nigra


                    Primula veris

Garlic Mustard
Alliaria petiolata
§         Hedge Woundwort 
                    Stachys sylvatica

Hedge Bedstraw
                Galium mollugo
§         Oxeye Daisy 
Leucanthemum vulgare
Ribwort Plantain

                    Plantago lanceolata
§         Selfheal
                Prunella vulgaris
Tufted Vetch
                Vicia cracca
§         Upright Hedge Parsley
                Torilis japonica
Wood Avens  
Geum urbanum
§         Yarrow
                Achillea millefolium


§         Common Bent
                    Agrostis capillaris

Crested Dogstail

                    Cynosurus cristatus

False Brome  
Brachypodium sylvaticum
Tufted Hairgrass
Deschampsia cespitosa
§         Slender Creeping Red Fescue
                Festuca rubra
Sweet Vernal Grass
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Wood Meadow Grass 
Poa nemoralis

100g @ £20

500g @ £72

1kg @ £104


Please contact us for larger quantities


Wood Avens



© Wild Garden Seeds 2021.



Some images courtesy of Pixabay.